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Kamchatka Gull (kamtchatkensis)




KAMCHATKA GULL (16-18";47-48") kamtchatkensis

BILL SHAPE: rather small, may be slightly thicker than Mew/Common; 3-3.5x eye diam; gon angle small; culmen curve gentle, beginning ½ way out
HEAD SHAPE: rounded and dove-like, but may appear angular, like the top half of an octagon
WING EXTENSTION: long; 1.5x bill length
POSTURE/HABITS: stockier and heavier breasted than Mew/Common
BILL COLOR: sharply bicolored; pale flesh w/ black tip to outer 1/3 of bill, less on upper mandible blue-gray or flesh w/ dark tip dull yellow; may show dark subterm band w/ brighter yellow tip
LEG COLOR: dull grayish-pink blue-gray to dull flesh greenish-yellow
IRIS/ORB RING: dark dark or pale yellow pale yellow to amber, darker when breeding; orb ring...
HEAD: covered w/ dark streaks or lines; dark in front of eye; pale around bill; aurs streaked; nape and neck sides thickly spotted variable streaking over crown and aurs; heavy mottling on nape and neck sides variable thin streaking on crown, aurs; smudging on nape to breast
UNDERPARTS: white w/ heavy mottling across breast and down flanks, lighter across belly; dark chevrons on sides of vent white; some light smudging from nape may extend to breast sides white
blackish black; may show tiny A-spots A-spots diminish in size; none on P9-10 (together); tiny on P8; large by P5
(in flight):
outer Ps blackish; inner Ps pale w/ dark subterm spots P9-10 black; large mirror on P10; small mirror on P9; black to P5; black on upper P covs extensive black on P8-10; large mirrors on P9-10; thin black band possible on P5; white tongues on P5-7
(in flight):
dark w/ pale fringe; underwing covs pale w/ thick dark edges, appearing mottled and darker than Ring-billed as adult; underwing covs white w/ dark edges adult gray w/ broad white trailing edge, about 3/4 bill length
TERTIALS: dark w/ broad pale crescents at tips as adult adult gray w/ large white crescent, about 3/4-1x bill length
GREATER COVERTS: solid pale g-b w/ pale edges, fading to all white by summer adult gray adult gray
LESSER & MED COVERTS: solid med g-b V-shaped centers w/ narrow pale edges; appearing darker than GCs; prone to fade adult gray adult gray
SCAPULARS: adult gray or brown w/ pale edges as adult adult gray w/ small white crescent
BACK: adult gray w/ hints of brown and pale edges adult gray adult gray is med gray, same as Mew
RUMP: variably barred; may appear white at a distance white white
TAIL: white w/ broad black band w/ pale fringe; white outermost webs; some dark on inner webs may be visible on outer retrices from above white w/ irreg black subterm marks white