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Iceland Gull (glaucoides)

Note: "Kumlien's Gull" is considered here to be Iceland x Thayer's hybrid and is in the hybrid section. See this page for a note on taxonomy and a proposed Thayer's/Kumlien's/Iceland scoring system.


First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle


ICELAND GULL (23-25"; 49-51") glaucoides

BILL SHAPE: small and straight; slightly smaller than Thayer's; about 3x eye diam; gon angle small; culmen curves gently to tip, beginning ½ to 1/3 of the way out
HEAD SHAPE: rounded and dove-like; sometimes w/ forehead sloped into bill; other times appearing puffy
WING EXTENSTION: long; about 1.5 x bill length
POSTURE/HABITS: usually has a gentle, delicate appearance and thin body
BILL COLOR: variable; black outer 2/3 on lower mand and cutting edge, 1/3 on upper mand and along culmen; fades to flesh, gray, olive, or dusky rose base; may appear all dark dull pink to gray or flesh, fading to black tip of variable size (sometimes distinct); extreme tip often pale greenish-yellow w/ variable black subterm band and pale tip; often w/ hint of red gon spot yellow, often greenish-yellow near base, w/ large red gon spot
LEG COLOR: reddish-pink reddish-pink reddish-pink bright reddish-pink
IRIS/ORB RING: dark dark brown to gold as adult glauc pale yellow; kum gold-yellow to brown; orb ring reddish-purple
HEAD: pale w/ fairly even thin diffuse pale g-b streaking over entire head; no solid areas as 1W, w/ obvious pale aur edge, giving collared look as adult but streaking usually more extensive variable light streaking to crown and aurs; heavier streaking down nape and neck sides; broken white eye ring; some appear nearly all white
UNDERPARTS: solid to mottled creamy g-b from breast to belly; vent more barred irreg mottled pale g-b as adult, but w/ greater smudging on breast white; head streaking often extends across upper breast
usually white; may have pale subterm chevron w/ tiny dark spot in tip often pure white as adult white
(in flight):
paler than rest of wing, nearly white; translucent from below outer Ps often g-b on outer webs and tips, otherwise white; translucent from below as adult extensive white tips on P6-10, w/ no dark marks; translucent from below
(in flight):
similar to Ps, though inner feathers rarely slightly darker similar to Ps, though inner feathers rarely slightly darker as adult adult gray w/ broad white trailing edge about 2/3 bill length
TERTIALS: variable; white w/ dark bars, loops, or other small g-b marks; if solid, then pale and not contrasting with upperparts usually white w/ sparse pale g-b marbling, never contrasting darker than upperparts as adult adult gray w/ broad white crescent about same as bill length
GREATER COVERTS: white w/ faint to moderate g-b spots or bars white w/ irreg g-b marbling adult gray mixed w/ some pale g-b adult gray
LESSER & MED COVERTS: white w/ faint to mod g-b subterm U or V-shaped mark, appearing irreg checkered white w/ irreg g-b markings, appearing mottled adult gray mixed w/ some pale g-b adult gray
SCAPULARS: like L&M covs usually adult gray, often mixed w/ some g-b and white as adult adult gray w/ small white crescent
BACK: like L&M covs similar to scaps adult gray adult gray is very pale gray, paler than all Herrings
RUMP: white w/ strong pale g-b bars white w/ faded g-b bars white white
TAIL: varies from totally marbled creamy g-b and white to showing a solid pale g-b band (concolor w/ back) w/ pale fringe, subterm bar, and barring on outermost retrices and across all bases often w/ distinct g-b subterm band which may contrast darker than upperparts; outer rectrices and bases mottled or washed white white w/ broken band of streaks white