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Glaucous-winged Gull
First Cycle
Second Cycle
Third Cycle
GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL(24-27";52-54") glaucescens
BILL SHAPE: large and bulky; gon. angle mod. to large; length 4-5x eye diameter; curve to culmen may be steep; first years may have smaller bills | ||||
HEAD SHAPE: rather rounded crown; may have small pin-headed look | ||||
WING EXTENSION: fairly short; usually half bill length or less | ||||
POSTURE/HABITS: usually larger and bulkier than Herring, though females are smaller | ||||
BILL COLOR: | black; slight pink base to lower mand. possible by spring | varies from nearly solid black to pale flesh yellow w/ black tip | pale yellow w/ variable dark sides; may show pale gon. spot | pale yellow w/ orange-red gon. spot; most have dark smudge above spot on lower mand. and sometimes across upper mand. |
LEG COLOR: | dirty dark or dull pink | dirty pink | dirty pink | pink |
IRIS/ORB RING: | dark | dark | dark | brown to pale brown; pale amber is rare; orb. ring reddish to purple |
HEAD: | uniform g-b, darker than Herring, w/ diffuse smudging; aurs darkest and solid; nape and aur edge may be lighter | primarily white; dark smudge in front of eyes; faint fine mottling on crown; may have dusky streaks on nape | as adult but w/ extensive smudging over entire head | smudged gray over head, neck and upper breast; no streaking |
UNDERPARTS: | breast mottled, belly uniform sooty gray, about the same shade as the upperparts and wings; undt covs barred | lower breast, belly, and vent mottled g-b; belly may be quite solid dark and contrast w/ white flanks; undt covs mottled | light mottling on breast and belly | white; upper breast smudging often shows delicate horizontal barring at close range |
PRIMARIES (folded): |
concolor or slightly darker than rest of wing and body; usually w/ pale edges, sometimes (on paler birds) with crescents large enough to have a dark subterm mark in them, or (on darker birds) w/o pale edges at all | pale to med g-b, concolor w/ rest of wing, w/ thin white crescents | as adult but w/ little or no A-spots | tips adult gray; may be slightly darker than rest of wing but never black; A-spots larger that eye, but A10 same as eye |
PRIMARIES (in flight): |
solid gray, concolor w/ rest of wing; paler and silvery from below | quite pale above, making a white flash at base of Ps; virtually white from below | similar to adult but smaller A-spots, mirrors, and tongues | "black" areas are charcoal, slightly darker than mantle; large mirror on P10; small mirror rare on P9; thin to large blurred white tongues on P5-9; pattern light gray from below |
SECONDARIES (in flight): |
similar to Ps | ... | as adult | adult gray w/ white trailing edge; gray area shows light contrast from below; shows white skirt when standing |
TERTIALS: | same color as Ps; usually w/ large pale tip or subterm crescent; paler birds may have pale notches on sides | pale g-b, concolor w/ Ps, w/ irregular white subterm marbling | as adult | adult gray w/ white crescent about 2/3 bill length |
GREATER COVERTS: | variably to mostly solid g-b w/ thin pale horizontal marbled lines w/ pale fringe and subterm spot; inner feathers more spotted | pale g-b, speckled w/ tiny white spots, appearing marbled; often gray by 2S | adult gray | adult gray |
LESSER & MED COVERTS: | pale cream w/ med g-b sub-term marks, appearing mottled | as greater covs, w/ wome adult gray color possible | adult gray | adult gray |
SCAPULARS: | as coverts, but w/ larger pale areas or adult gray, appearing paler and muddier | as coverts, w/ more adult gray; may be all adult gray | as adult | adult gray w/ white crescent about 1/3 bill length |
BACK: | g-b, irregularly marked w/ pale fringes or adult gray; nearly uniform muddy look | adult gray w/ brown areas and pale fringes | adult gray | adult gray is med gray, darker than smithson, lighter than californicus |
RUMP: | pale w/ irregular g-b bars | white w/ some speckling | white | white |
TAIL: | solid gray as primaries, concolor w/ back; often w/ pale fringe; outermost webs rarely barred; may show mottled bases to outer retrices from below | solid pale g-b; may show extensive pale mottling to bases of outer or all retrices | white w/ jagged dark gray subterm band; outermost webs white | white |